Wednesday, September 29, 2010

CEO? Does not change the financial style, the class!

Such as Carly, her financial mission and Hewlett-Packard's financial goals may seem less than perfect matches, finally making her swallowed their anger "fired." Of course, there are still many cases can be shown that when the CEO with the company's financial mission, its result is perfect ... ...

One example is the great leader of IBM's Lou Gerstner.

Moderate increase in value with a high degree of resource utilization, Gerstner's deficit-based financial style to his leadership of IBM in the process like a duck

More than a year ago, with 21 million U.S. dollars 鍗¤帀璐瑰ゥ鑾夊 severance pay from HP.

This prestigious Queen as CEO during the sale, so HP's loss of millions of dollars. Is generally evaluated as gifted, wise beyond the Carly did not avoid the fate of losing money, what makes her career to the most gloomy times?

"A company make or lose money, and business leaders inherent financial characteristics are linked." In the "business school" manager Community Forum, the American 娉板痉鏅灄鏂?make that claim. But unfortunately, most of the CEO Board of Directors will not take the initiative to find their own fault, they often blame the company to lose money is a lot of internal or external causes combined result.

"How many people do that? You do it?" Ted asked. He admitted that in past research, that they have found that this practice is for the CEO, needs not only courage, but also honest.

Born three financial styles

In the past 20 years, Ted will own most of the energy used in collection management consulting leadership cases, while more than 130 visits and research on global CEO, to understand their financial styles, and use his leadership of the Perth Leadership Institute database and leadership model to analyze the business leaders of the financial style.

In Ted's description, the financial characteristics of a leader is born, some leaders like the use of resources, while others prefer to increase the value of leadership.

He pointed out that the leaders of different financial characteristics will directly affect the enterprise's financial performance and market value; and from the organization's financial results, we should also reflect the financial characteristics of a leader.

From two different financial characteristics, by Ted summarized nine financial missions. They are predators, arbitrageurs, parity operators, speculators, wholesalers, traders, venture capitalists were, related enterprises, mercantilist.

In further elaboration, the Ted that in the long run, these financial missions have their own specific profit models, nine financial missions, there are three essentially profit-oriented, there are three essentially depleted, There are three essentially average, without any type of profit, so they can be reduced to three major financial styles, that is, surplus, deficit, disorder.

For example, Bill Gates, Ted is a low use of resources and predators. And, and ordinary people to imagine difference is that smart is just a loss of potential, but the character of people within a very suitable CEO.

Determine the success or failure with

The results show that the short term, leaders will improve or weaken the financial characteristics of the three basic functions within the company, sales, products or services, operation.

To predators, mercantilist, venture capitalists who can see different example cheap business leaders because of their different financial performance of different missions.

Predators often bring high sales performance, mercantilists the opposite, venture capitalists are often increase investment, a large amount of resources to achieve performance parity is generally not increased business value, not use of resources.

In product performance, often predatory products and service deficiencies, mercantilist mature markets are expected to provide the quality of venture capital because they will focus on high value-added and unique, yet more opportunities to improve quality parity is not exclusive supplier of products, but with high quality.

Mission in the operational performance of the four financial performance also varies. The most outstanding performance of predators, they can at least have the greatest use of resources to more enforcement power; mercantilist its performance once again the contrary, their relatively weak execution; venture's execution is also weak, but the reason is because more its focus is different; parity implementation of the strongest companies, in order to maintain low-cost carriers, but they were inspired by the amazing creativity.

Proved, CEO of the financial mission of the company in a particular way in sales, product or service, operational impact on the outcome. When the CEO's financial mission of the company's financial goals and match between the degree is not enough, trouble came.

Such as Carly, her financial mission and Hewlett-Packard's financial goals may seem less than perfect matches, finally making her swallowed their anger "fired." Of course, there are still many cases can be shown that when the CEO with the company's financial mission, its result is perfect.

One example is the great leader of IBM's Lou Gerstner. Moderate increase in value with a high degree of resource utilization, Gerstner's deficit-based financial style that allows him to lead IBM's process like a duck. And this style, with IBM matching the culture at that time. In a mature industry, IBM, innovation is not strong atmosphere, value added tend to moderate; in resource utilization, were living high.

Ted suggested that, when the prospective CEO's decision to join a company, be sure to confirm whether their financial characteristics consistent with the new organizational culture, and secondly, the surplus-style corporate culture, CEO more likely to succeed.

Value of the company to change its gains

Easy to be successful, does not mean all. For the leader, their business is really successful business, it must be tested by the market. Ted is no compromise on this, he pointed out that business success and failure, ultimately through the company's market value reflected.

Ted enterprise market situation was divided into three types, growth, recession, or growth or decline. They point to the final track of the market value of 9.

Predators, speculators, arbitrageurs are in varying degrees, to the value of the path of growth; mercantilist, related enterprises, traders at different levels tend to decline; venture capitalists who, wholesalers, parity operators in growth and recession, the market value of mixed track came up OK.

Venture capitalists who have the financial mission Jobs, has increased the tendency of high-value and high resource utilization trend, but the two can not make him succeed.

Jobs later amended their financial characteristics, with moderately high values tend to increase spending to the speculators themselves, ultimately making the value of Apple's track from the ambiguities become increasingly clear, shining the market value of the company.

"You are a unique way to affect their market value, aware of this, you know how to do it." Ted warned.

He suggested that the value of their already very clear the CEO, tried to change their financial mission, so that the objectives of the company match, "you will change the value of the company's trajectory."


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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Customer is not his wife is a lover of God is

Customers are wives, need we can really operate, required to achieve life-long service. Customer is not just customer transactions occurred, including the potential development of the customer. For the latter, we have to careful management, that should be the same as the lover in hot pursuit, so I think the customers are his wife, need life-long service, and potential customers, they have to like Valentine's, requires hot pursuit!

Treatment of customers, we usually deal depending on whether he happened into two categories, namely, customers (closing) and potential customers (not traded). Turnover value of customers based on their own are divided into small, medium, large, VIP customers; no transaction sales transactions according to the possibility of customers, divided into A, B, C, D four grades.

Customers are his wife, need life-long service, and why?

Because often men and women after marriage, marriage will remain for some time.涔熻2-3骞村悗锛屽弻鏂瑰鐢熸椿澶卞幓婵?儏涓庢椿鍔涳紝浠呬粎鍙槸缁存寔锛屾垨璁告槸涓哄皬瀛╁惂銆?At this point, if you do not operate her, and usually there will be a number of complaints, grievances, nagging, complain, or even for each other, having an affair and so on. You have Haikudanlan between, eachother, life service will be gone. If you do not check and do not reflect, not aware, the service is always at a standstill, never hesitate, never creative. You will only make one lose out, lose power, results of your customers will really separate.


Even if she does not leave you, you will not develop his values, or even a loss. For enterprises, the value is not particularly large. This customer loyalty is not even very concerned about your customers.

Potential customers, like lovers, need to chase the plane, why?

銆??鍥犱负娼滃湪椤惧鏄瘡瀹朵紒涓氶兘鏈熷緟鍙戝睍鐨勶紝鍚屾椂娼滃湪椤惧鐨勪袱澶т笉澶ф槸琛¢噺浼佷笟瀹炲姏鐨勪繚闅溿? Development of potential customers the most important purpose is to let her be your real customers, which hope to become your life-long lover of his wife. But the deal lover, you can not see a simple chat will be your wife. You need to give your lover the performance of the stage, let her have a little favor for you, hand in hand chance to own their love is, and finally walked down the red carpet, into the wedding hall. This four-step needs at least the middle of the development. Similarly, treatment of lovers, according to the closeness of her relationship with you to determine the possibility of its development, which is necessary, but also in the process of service need to continue to serve, to provide a feat she was very surprised, very exciting time activities, a happy honeymoon and so on.鍙湁涓嶆柇鍒涢?鏂般?濂囥?鐗圭殑涓滆タ锛屾墠浼氭劅鍒颁綘涓庡叾浠栦汉涓嶄竴鏍凤紝鍚﹀垯浣犺儨绠楃殑鏈虹巼杈冨皬銆傚洜涓哄ス涓嶅儚鑰佸﹩锛屽ぉ缁忓湴涔夛紝娉曞緥瑙勫畾锛屼綘鑷冲皯涓?鏃堕棿鍙互楂樻灂鏃犲咖锛岀劧鑰屾儏浜轰笉琛岋紝鍙湁绱х揣鍦版姄浣忎竴娆℃満浼氾紝鐢ㄥ績鍦颁负鍏舵湇鍔★紝鐪熷績鍦板叧蹇冨ス锛屾墠浼氭湁鍙兘鎴愪负鑰佸﹩銆?br />



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